The technology produces each day new products in our life, with unknown usually consequences for the environment and our health. The last decades the technological progress, that is the preamble of economic growth, has received explosive dimensions. From the one day to the other, new products of industry make their appearance, making our life more comfortable and pleasant and on this progress entire the humanity support its happiness.
However from the beginning of passed century, the danger of environment’s destruction has became visible from the thoughtless growth of industry, that is the representative applied of technology.The air is polluted by gas chemical gas .The sea is polluted irreparably by the detergents and the escapes of oil, while the forests are ruined by the deliberate arsons and the deforestrations in order to increase the cultivable and buildable ground. The result of all these, but also many other, is destroyed latent but regularly the area of ozone, that protects the all living organisms and naturally and us, from the ultraviolet radiation because as we know the layer of ozone prevents to reach the ground the leathal ultraviolet radiation of Helium.
The use common spray at the hairstyle and the operation of refrigerators and airconditions are the main sources of destruction of thin layer of ozone. Thus have been caused “holes” in the layer of ozone, through which passes free the ultraviolet radiation of Helium. If this holes grow (and indeed they grow) and destroy big part of layer of ozone, then it is appreciated that will die millions persons each year from cancer of skin. Also the acidic rain where it is caused by sulphuric and nitric acid, with the deliberate arsons of forests, destroys slowly but steadily the forests of our planet.
The erosion of ground from the rain is growing and finally will be limited from breading available ground. Day by day the atmosphere in the cities is rendered suffocating and with the circulatory problems and noises renders difficult the life of residents in the big urban centres. The last decades in deed, the damage that becomes in the environment has received dramatic dimensions and international deliberations is realised for it’s protection. Because the economy does not depend only from the progress of technology and is unbreakably connected with this, but depends mainly and immediately from the environment, from which exclusively it draws foods and raw material for the existence and our maintenance on the ground . Without foods, water and air life doesn’t exist and without raw material the industry stop, the growth is interrupted to increase and the economy is destroyed. Only if the environment has possibilities of providing us with foods, air water and raw material, it can exst economic progress, prosperity and mainly comfortable and happy existence of persons on our n of planet.
The environment is important and it’s role is unique in the protection and maintenance of life . If measures of protection are not taken ,the ecosystems will collapse and will be caused partly destruction of the economy. Therefore is absolute needed all the humanity to think seriously and take measures for the protection of the environment, in order to save the people from the disaster . The science should consider seriously it studies and in-depth the subject of deterioration of environment. In order that in any case it finds methods of protection of this or even re-establishment of his balance. The technology from the other side should decide and find the more suitable ways of technical application of this methods, that it will propose the science.
Finally the economy it decides it sacrifices a part of profit, in order that the technological and industrial progress they are developed harmoniously with the conditions of maintenance of environment. At last it should be found the imposed balance between economic-technological progress and maintenance of natural environment. Thus with this way will be achieved economic and cultural progress, progress however, that will ensure the maintenance of life and will provide conditions of life for the person without stress, infirmities, illnesses, lack of foods and raw material. Progress that will guarantee really our happiness on the earth.
1 σχόλιο:
Very good...and understandable...:P...
Keep trying! ;)
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